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Content Collisions with Cascade Communications

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Content collisions are the sparks that light up the dark funnel.”

Have you ever wondered why companies put such a heavy focus on website, blog, and social media content? You might ask, why spend time writing online when I could be using those moments to strengthen my business?

But in reality, every piece of quality content you put out there is building the foundation for an incredible customer following. Why? Because of content collisions.

What Are Content Collisions?

This phrase comes from Pablo Gonzalez of a podcast building business we absolutely love — BeTheStage. Pablo believes that every piece of content online has a level of importance, and each piece has the ability to build a relationship with the reader.

  • The view isn’t as impactful as the reaction

  • The reaction isn’t as impactful as the comment

  • The comment isn’t as impactful as the share

  • The share isn’t as impactful as the online event attendance

  • The online attendance isn’t as impactful as the attendance at a live event

Every time someone comes into contact with your content, a relationship starts to form. As they dig deeper, the relationship strengthens. They’re not only learning about your business — they’re taking in quality information, entertainment, whatever it may be that you post. They’re gaining respect for you — and you’re one step closer to meeting them and finding out if your product

could improve their lives.

How Can I Increase My Content Collisions?

With the importance of content collisions, it’s no wonder you want more out there for your business! The biggest factor is producing, publishing, and sharing high-quality content that will benefit your ideal customer base.

  • If you’re in the edtech space, fill your blog with resources for parents, teachers, and other education professionals.

  • If you’re in the business field, launch a podcast that shares the story of your successful startups.

  • If you’re an enrichment expert, launch a webinar series to educate others on the steps you took to find success.

Pablo also stresses the act of repurposing content. Your hard work doesn’t need to stay in the same place forever. Share a piece of your post on LinkedIn when you launch, and reimagine its use for Instagram in the future. The limits are endless, and so are the relationships your content can someday collide with.

If you think you could use some help in creating content worth colliding with, reach out to the Cascade Communications team today. We’d love to fill your online areas with helpful, high-quality work — and set you off on the path toward relationship building on its behalf.

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