Conventions, summits, and competitions bring opportunities to meet new people that are hoping to break the norm and status quo. That’s exactly why last April, the Breaking The Grade crew attended the GSV Cup, the world's largest pitch competition for early-stage EdTech startups. Our goal – to connect with these amazing people and bring their stories to you.
At the summit, Breaking The Grade had the privilege to talk to the brains behind these groundbreaking and innovative EdTech companies. These breakers were there to show and tell the education world about how their companies are-imagining the education space and learning experience.
In our new segment, Big Breaks, we will get to know these people. Their stories, motivations, and experiences that broke and helped them rebuild their vision and hope for learners from Pre-K to Grey.
You can check out these amazing people here:
Narine Hall
Vadim and Sergei Revzin
Piyush Bhartiya
Mariam Nustrat
Peter Costa
Kloe Ng
Bozhanka Vitanova
Catherine de Vulpillieres
Annie Dean
Sylvie Milverton
Joan Kelly
Kelly Cure
Sarah Schwarts
Sari Hurme-Mehtala
Oscar Pedroso
These people are part of the “Elite 200” out of this year’s GSV Cup 750 applicants.
Be sure to be on the lookout for the updated links here! We will share their stories and how they are breaking the grade with their disruptive and innovative solutions.