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Our First Webinar is Here: Brite and the Benefits of Live, Moderated Webinars


If you’ve been following our social media, you’ve probably heard the news of the webinar series we’ve been working on. Our first show went extremely well, and we can’t wait to continue on! You can catch the replay on our Youtube channel, and we’ll share registration information for future shows in the coming weeks.

For now, we wanted to take a moment to explain the significance of this series. It’s much more than a video sharing the secrets behind coding academy success (even though plenty of information in that realm is included!). It’s also a way to become a thought leader in a particular industry, grow a community, drive revenue, and more.

About Brite’s Webinar Series

Our wonderful client Dmitry at was looking for a unique way to continue building his already-successful brand. He has customers flowing in but craved a thought leadership position and more of a community feel in the field. Our answer? Live, moderated webinars featuring field experts alongside his own top-tier advice (on excellent technology, too, but we’ll get into that in a future post).

Brite’s webinar series will go on to share everything current coding companies need to know to grow and run successful online academies. Each show will feature new field experts and topics. We’ll invite live audiences who will feel a true impact from the information they receive from each show. The recorded videos will be left available for others to find, as well as for thought leadership and content repurposing on Dmitry/Brite’s side.

The Benefits of Hosting Webinars for Education Businesses

These webinars are thoughtfully created in every step — from content planning and execution to video production and live moderation. Each step brings a number of benefits that we’d be happy to talk through at any point if you’ve intrigued. But in short, Brite’s webinar series is built to accomplish three things:

  • Serve as an educational resource to coding academies that are ready for improvement and growth.

  • Position Dmitry as a thought leader in the space.

  • Build a community around the incredible Brite platform and coding academies in general.

  • Drive revenue through a heightened position in the coding academy industry, a larger community, and high-quality, repurposable content.

We can’t want to keep working with Dmitry and Brite as we move through the six-part webinar series. Feel free to follow along with our social media to receive updates on future shows and more!

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